速報APP / 商業 / Happy Minds

Happy Minds



檔案大小:20.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 12.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Happy Minds(圖1)-速報App

We are India’s 1st of its kind Job search app with innovative features like Selfie Video Resume, Campus Chat, Alumni connect & Corporate Connect. We have carefully crafted the country’s most exquisite “Selfie video Resume App” to experience the joy of simplified hiring in just 60 seconds.

Happy Minds(圖2)-速報App

Impress the interviewer with your Selfie Video Resume. - It will help you grab the attention of an employer for more time than the usual paper resume. We have tweaked the hiring process by enabling job seekers to transition from word-based resumes to ‘Selfie resumes.' Speak out your resume in the selfie video.

Happy Minds(圖3)-速報App

Communication skills, confidence, attitude, passion & present-ability can be focused on visually within 60 seconds. Recording formats are available on the job search mobile app. You can share your selfie video link across your network, employers & social media because we believe more is always good.

Happy Minds(圖4)-速報App

Live Job Notifications- Never miss out an opportunity with a job hunt app, because opportunity knocks only once. We help you be in sync and get real time Job notifications.

Happy Minds(圖5)-速報App

Campus Chat & Alumni Connect - Chat within your college group, get updates from your college buddies. Chat with your alumni for their advice, suggestions and career guidance. Let your alumni share their experiences.

Happy Minds(圖6)-速報App

Forum (Corporate Connect)– Suggestions from industry experts are valuable for your bright career. Post your doubts, questions or queries and get it answered from the best of Industrial experts.

Come, join our happy minds family in celebrating Happiness @ Work
